
Version 2.7.3

automatic database updates made easy


DbMaintain Docker container available at https://hub.docker.com/r/dbmaintain/dbmaintain/.

The container can checkout the DbMaintain configuration files (properties file and sql scripts) from scm system or they can be given to the container by mounting volumes.

Container’s environment variables:


If a git url is given to the container via this variable, the container will clone the git repo to /sql


A subversion URL given to the container results in a svn export to /sql


The git repo will be cloned to /dbmaintain


svn export to /dbmaintain


If one of the PROPERTIES URLs is given and this variable is not set the container expects the properties file at /dbmaintain/dbmaintain.properties. Configure different relative paths with this variable, e.g. DBMAINTAIN_PROPERTIES_PATH=myconfigs/myschema/myschema.properties will use the file /dbmaintain/myconfigs/myschema/myschema.properties


The container will invoke dbmaintain up to MAX_RETRY times if an error occured, waiting 20 seconds between the invocations. Useful e.g. if a database container is starting up and we want to retry until the database is ready.


The container will sleep forever if dbmaintain was successful and this variable is set to an arbitrary value. This is useful e.g. when the container is bundled with a database container in a kubernetes pod.


Allows to set dbmaintain properties via system properties. Via this variable you can override properties from the properties file, e.g. -Ddatabase.userName=myuser -Ddatabase.password=secret -DdbMaintainer.script.locations=/sql/myschema/


using volumes to provide sql and properties

docker run --rm -v <path_schema_dbmaintain.properties>/dbmaintain.properties:/dbmaintain.properties -v <path>/schema/:<dbmaintain.properties#dbMaintainer.script.locations>  dbmaintain/dbmaintain updateDatabase

using git to provide sql and properties

docker run --rm -e 'SQL_GIT_URL=--branch 0.0.1 http://myuser:mypassword@git.my-company.de/dbschema.git' -e 'PROPERTIES_GIT_URL=--branch 0.0.1 http://myuser:mypassword@git.my-company.de/dbmaintainproperties.git' -e 'DBMAINTAIN_PROPERTIES_PATH=my_relative_path_in_properties_scm_repo/testschema.properties' dbmaintain/dbmaintain updateDatabase

using svn to provide sql and properties

docker run --rm -e 'SQL_SVN_URL=--username myuser --password mysecret http://svn.my-company.de/svn/dbschemas/xyz/tags/0.0.1' -e 'PROPERTIES_SVN_URL=--username myuser --password mysecret http://svn.my-company.de/svn/dbmaintainconfigs/xyz/tags/0.0.1' -e 'DBMAINTAIN_PROPERTIES_PATH=my_relative_path_in_properties_scm_repo/testschema.properties' dbmaintain/dbmaintain updateDatabase

override settings from properties file with system properties:

docker run --rm -e 'DBMAINTAIN_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES=-DdbMaintainer.script.locations=/sql/dbmaintain/sql -Ddatabase.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE -Ddatabase.userName=mydbuser -Ddatabase.password=secretpassword' -e 'SQL_GIT_URL=--branch 0.0.1 http://myuser:mypassword@git.my-company.de/dbschema.git' -e 'PROPERTIES_GIT_URL=--branch 0.0.1 http://myuser:mypassword@git.my-company.de/dbmaintainproperties.git' -e 'DBMAINTAIN_PROPERTIES_PATH=my_relative_path_in_properties_scm_repo/testschema.properties' dbmaintain/dbmaintain updateDatabase

retry up to 10 times in case of error

docker run --rm -e 'MAX_RETRY=10' -e 'SQL_GIT_URL=--branch 0.0.1 http://myuser:mypassword@git.my-company.de/dbschema.git' -e 'PROPERTIES_GIT_URL=--branch 0.0.1 http://myuser:mypassword@git.my-company.de/dbmaintainproperties.git' -e 'DBMAINTAIN_PROPERTIES_PATH=my_relative_path_in_properties_scm_repo/testschema.properties' dbmaintain/dbmaintain updateDatabase

do not exit but wait forever if successful

docker run --rm -e 'SLEEP_SUCCESS=yes' -e 'MAX_RETRY=10' -e 'SQL_GIT_URL=--branch 0.0.1 http://myuser:mypassword@git.my-company.de/dbschema.git' -e 'PROPERTIES_GIT_URL=--branch 0.0.1 http://myuser:mypassword@git.my-company.de/dbmaintainproperties.git' -e 'DBMAINTAIN_PROPERTIES_PATH=my_relative_path_in_properties_scm_repo/testschema.properties' dbmaintain/dbmaintain updateDatabase
Last updated on 11 Jan 2019 / Published on 11 Jan 2019
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